Billy is our ram. (pictured on the left of the photo) He is a sturdy small cross breed that we have owned for 4 years. He is usually content with his small flock of pure bred Shetland ewes and will stalk around the field during the tupping months keeping other sheep at bay.
This all changed yesterday. I check on the sheep every day but in this weather, feed them twice a day. At tea time, no Billy! I walk all over the field, calling but unusually there is no response.
However I do notice some prints in the snow around the perimeter fence. They are up and down the fence and in my field and in my neighbours field.
I clamber over the fence at the point where there are most prints and sure enough, I spot our Billy, having his way with a small number of someone else's ewes. I go back to the house for a bucket and my partially trained sheep dog.
Sadly for Moss, she hasn't been working sheep for 4 months and is all too enthusiastic. She spooks them with her too fast out-run and brings me just one home as the others flee into their own field. I leave the one to return to her sisters and take Moss home. She isn't happy so decides to round our flock up, just to show me she can still do it. She is ignoring my commands completely. Ho hum.
This morning there is no easy sight of Billy amongst the huge snowy fields and large flock of a neighbouring farm. And I have acquired the ewe that Moss brought back to me. She jumped into my field just as I walked across to renew my search for a sighting of Billy. Damn.
Due to work and neighbourly duties, I have to leave it like this until tomorrow. I will be exploring these fields with a bucket and OH as back up! Watch this space.
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