Friday, 29 May 2009
Phew what a scorcher!

Thursday, 28 May 2009
Dog Agility Competition

Sunday, 24 May 2009
Field Drains.

This (left) is a picture of one of the many field drains which is the OH's main activity on the farm this spring. You can see the water running through the bottom of a stone trough and the edge of the "lid" of the drain. As tractors etc have caused them to collapse, the water from the natural springs and run-off from the rain (of which there has been plenty) has had nowhere to go. Hence the water logged and rushy fields. (picture of water jam, right)
OH is digging out all the drains that he can with a spade and uses drainage rods to clear the clay and mud away. Then he replaces the "lid" and covers it back up again. Hey presto! A nice dry field...eventually.
It is a back breaking and filthy job but it does mean that the fields are not trashed by a digger making its way across and all the original structures are in place.
To me they are like the stone walls. They are part of the traditional farming system here and it is right to try and preserve them. The only trouble being that it takes a very long time. Keeps the OH busy though (and fit).
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Some colour on this grey day.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Dogs and ducks.

Sunday, 17 May 2009
New Plans...

Tuesday, 12 May 2009
New heifer on Sunday, hopefully.

Saturday, 9 May 2009
Off to do some strimming.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Looking for a new heifer.

Monday, 4 May 2009
This wasn't taken today!

Saturday, 2 May 2009
A spot of weeding needed!

Look what happens after a few warm days and a few April showers.
Gardeners beware of the thriving growth on your lovely veg patch. I aim to weed every second day at least in this weather or else your seedlings are lost in a field of green. You can see on the left hand picture that I don't aim for a spotless bed, I just don't have the time. I hoe between the rows and handpick around the seedlings. These are perpetual spinach beet, an easy to grow crop that if left will self-seed. And you need those Popeye muscles that spinach is supposed to help you develop when you live at Sandalfarm.
OH and the neighbour have been digging in the sheep field, making new drains and finding old ones, so as to divert the water away from the drive. The drive is a long, unmade up track which has 6 cars/vans from residents and of course the usual traffic from post, deliveries, collections etc. But it is the water from the leaking drains that render it impassable in icy weather and deeply rutted in any weayher.
I have been entertained by my neighbours' small boys who have been "helping"me to build a stone wall between their land and the cow field. For about 2 hours or more they have lugged stones, broken stone for in-fill and fought amongst themselves. They will need their spinach tonight as well!