Well, it is a job that has to be done. I strim down as much as I can. Weeds, lawns, grass, and there is plenty to go at. I aim for about 5 hours of strimming a week when it is summer months. It helps to keep the place looking tidy. The picture os of OH having a go.
Bird spotting this week, swallows (of course), ducks that are happy paddling in the pool in the cows' field, a blackbird that is stealing the chicken food, a small flock of gold finch (surprisingly!) and lots of magpies that come up for the remains of the sheep food. We also have a heron that raids out pond. They are aloof and magestic and I don't mind losing a few tadpoles to them!
The larks nest in our fields but the lapwings do not although they are getting closer. We have had twites.
It isn't a bird watchers' paradise but as the trees get bigger, so the birds spend more time here.
I can't put it off any longer...
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