This cotoneaster bush is alive with bees when the sun is shining. Although my photographic skills are a bit lacking, you can easily see a flying bee in my snap!
OH went on a bee keeping course and was assured that it would not be possible to keep a hive up here on windy mountain. The bees get blown off course and can't find their way back apparently.
Poor little bees, they need all the help they can get (visit the co-operative campaign site for more information).
The routine watering was back in force yesterday but today there has been steady rain all day. This is how it should be of course. I can catch up on paper work for my jobs and tidy the house. Being an outdoors addict does have a "downside". The dogs seem content to lie around even though I have been out all day. Their 20 minute play in the rain was enough.
And no sign of a bee this afternoon.
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