A wonderful flower is the pansy! I bought a tray of tiny plants for £5 from our farm shop (not OUR farm shop, but the one near to us) and pootted them up and located them around the front door and yard. They flower and flower and later on, I'll let them run to seed and collect for growing next winter.
These pansies have put up with strong winds, drought and excessive rain in the last month. I think they should be a mainstay of every "low maintenance" garden.
It has been dry for the past few days so I am back to watering everything. I watch the weather to then make a decision on whether to spend the half hour to an hour that the watering takes...but the weather forecast is too unpredictable to be a reliable guide.
At a farm visit for the Co-operative (I am a committee meber) in Goole yesterday, I saw the dry baked soil of the this area and decided that although most farming for crops is in the east, there is a downside to this. Their soil looked like an African plain, arid and cracked. I despaired of the trees planted last weekend at Dale Wood.
Perhaps I should have planted the resiliant pansy!!
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