Look at the misty morning, taken yesterday at 10am. It was nice to be a little cooler in the heatwave and the cows were certainly glad!
OH was determined that I noted his hard work over his week's holiday. The picture you see on the left is him on the roller and the neighbour on the digger. The picture on the right is the finished product, looking down to the house which is ours.
The drive has gradually been eroded over the last five years with the heavy down pours that we experience. It was left with a big bump in the middle and scattered debris on the two ruts. The men tackled it by digging out the hump and rollering it flat.
Now OH and I have motorbikes so it will be great to be able to use the drive without fearing for a tumble! We will just have to wait and see what it looks like after the next winter.
Ate our first broad beans last night and spinach tonight. Worth waiting for!
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