It is too depressing to post a picture of the last 2 days so I have posted one of a drier summer 3 years ago. This show the extent of the reeds in "Rushy Field"and one of Cloud's calves. Then we didn't have the equipment to manage the field. Now it is because
the rain has been extremely heavy and the result is the land has become saturated once again.
I have strimmed around the essential bits, pulled ragwort and picked crops but even though the sun is now shining, I am not walking on the ground any more, trying to keep the damage minimal.
The sun is shining now and the forecast is good for tomorrow. Luckily for us, the butcher hasn't started on his job with our beef so we are free tomorrow and are heading off to the wood. Saturday looks grim and that is when it will be ready for collection.
Although we don't butcher ourselves, the meat comes in plastic sacks and has to be sorted out for freezing and distribution. Last time it took 5 hours to divide into two and bag up our half. This time we are dividing into 3 and bagging our third. It is also a smaller bullock, so I'm hoping it won't take quite so long.
A gruesome job.
Cloud meantime is munching on grass and seemingly content enough. There are 2 Highland cows in the field at the end of hers so she has made that end of her field her desired resting place. She isn't moo-ing at them and is still meandering around the field to graze, and actually helping us by keeping the top half of the field to grow new grass.
I wish we could get this field sorted...
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