Yesterday we spent the day at the wood. How lovely it was in bright sunshine. The trouble is, I forgot my camera again! So the picture is NOTHING to do with woodland.
ONLY, we met the owners of the next section of woodland and had a long chat about what their ambitions are. He is a young man with a wife and2 young children and they had come to camp overnight with friend and brother and brother's daughter (and others? I lost count). He has cleared some land, and planted some trees, put in some bird boxes and daffodils and made some tidy piles of logs to dry off. We were just off as the extended family arrived as we had spent all day there, doing the same as last Saturday.
Only this time we had a barbecue lunch of sausages (our own) and black pudding. It was lovely to sit under the trees and eat with Saturday's papers spread about. We used dry twigs to set the brickettes alight, although I felt we should really have made a campfire and cooked over that.
I found a new path that went across the wood, so was easier to clear. I did some more of the steps to take us up to the top of the wood and then returned to the horizontal path which was a lot easier.
I found another clearing and many beautiful silver birch in excellent condition which was great as I thought we only had ash, hawthorn and sycamore. Silver birch are probably my favourite tree.
Our neighbour is thinking of grazing some of his clearing, with a native rare breed. So the picutre of our Wensleydale lamb with his blue pot on has a vague relevence.
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