And I don't even like them that much...I have picked pounds and pounds of them and still the bushes are graoning under the weight of them. I like them best raw and ripe or made into a fool or with oily fish but don't like them at all in a crumble.
Our collie that had a taste for them (Fly circa 1982 - 1996) would get terrible diahorrea after eating the fallen ones so Moss and Pip are not being allowed to discover them. Both like to eat the bluberries which are ripe now and Moss can pick her own, but as we only pass them when out walking she doesn't get much chance to consume many. We walk quickly...
As a quick sad note, the bull went today. It was very stressful, none of us like this part of farming. He loaded well and travelled reasonable well but wouldn't leave the trailer. Horrible. Anyway, the deed is done with Cloud now quietly chewing on the cud alone at home and unperturbed, seemingly.
OH said, lets become veggies, no doubt living on gooseberries.
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